Creates a view enabling the user to install and manage extensions. Must be initialized with initialize(). When the view is closed, dispose() must be called.
function ExtensionManagerView() {
ExtensionManagerView.prototype._installUsingDialog = function (id, _isUpdate) {
var entry = this.model.extensions[id];
if (entry && entry.registryInfo) {
var compatInfo = ExtensionManager.getCompatibilityInfo(entry.registryInfo, brackets.metadata.apiVersion),
url = ExtensionManager.getExtensionURL(id, compatInfo.compatibleVersion);
// TODO: this should set .done on the returned promise
if (_isUpdate) {
} else {
ExtensionManagerView.prototype._render = function () {
var self = this;
this.model.filterSet.forEach(function (id) {
var $item = self._itemViews[id];
if (!$item) {
$item = self._renderItem(self.model.extensions[id], self.model._getEntry(id));
self._itemViews[id] = $item;
ExtensionManagerView.prototype._renderItem = function (entry, info) {
// Create a Mustache context object containing the entry data and our helper functions.
// Start with the basic info from the given entry, either the installation info or the
// registry info depending on what we're listing.
var context = $.extend({}, info);
// Normally we would merge the strings into the context we're passing into the template,
// but since we're instantiating the template for every item, it seems wrong to take the hit
// of copying all the strings into the context, so we just make it a subfield.
context.Strings = Strings;
// Calculate various bools, since Mustache doesn't let you use expressions and interprets
// arrays as iteration contexts.
context.isInstalled = !!entry.installInfo;
context.failedToStart = (entry.installInfo && entry.installInfo.status === ExtensionManager.START_FAILED);
context.disabled = (entry.installInfo && entry.installInfo.status === ExtensionManager.DISABLED);
context.hasVersionInfo = !!info.versions;
if (entry.registryInfo) {
var latestVerCompatInfo = ExtensionManager.getCompatibilityInfo(entry.registryInfo, brackets.metadata.apiVersion);
context.isCompatible = latestVerCompatInfo.isCompatible;
context.requiresNewer = latestVerCompatInfo.requiresNewer;
context.isCompatibleLatest = latestVerCompatInfo.isLatestVersion;
if (!context.isCompatibleLatest) {
var installWarningBase = context.requiresNewer ? Strings.EXTENSION_LATEST_INCOMPATIBLE_NEWER : Strings.EXTENSION_LATEST_INCOMPATIBLE_OLDER;
context.installWarning = StringUtils.format(installWarningBase, entry.registryInfo.versions[entry.registryInfo.versions.length - 1].version, latestVerCompatInfo.compatibleVersion);
context.downloadCount = entry.registryInfo.totalDownloads;
} else {
// We should only get here when viewing the Installed tab and some extensions don't exist in the registry
// (or registry is offline). These flags *should* always be ignored in that scenario, but just in case...
context.isCompatible = context.isCompatibleLatest = true;
// Check if extension metadata contains localized content.
var lang = brackets.getLocale(),
shortLang = lang.split("-")[0];
if (info.metadata["package-i18n"]) {
[shortLang, lang].forEach(function (locale) {
if (info.metadata["package-i18n"].hasOwnProperty(locale)) {
// only overlay specific properties with the localized values
["title", "description", "homepage", "keywords"].forEach(function (prop) {
if (info.metadata["package-i18n"][locale].hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
info.metadata[prop] = info.metadata["package-i18n"][locale][prop];
if (info.metadata.description !== undefined) {
info.metadata.shortdescription = StringUtils.truncate(info.metadata.description, 200);
context.isMarkedForRemoval = ExtensionManager.isMarkedForRemoval(;
context.isMarkedForDisabling = ExtensionManager.isMarkedForDisabling(;
context.isMarkedForUpdate = ExtensionManager.isMarkedForUpdate(;
var hasPendingAction = context.isMarkedForDisabling || context.isMarkedForRemoval || context.isMarkedForUpdate;
context.showInstallButton = (this.model.source === this.model.SOURCE_REGISTRY || this.model.source === this.model.SOURCE_THEMES) && !context.updateAvailable;
context.showUpdateButton = context.updateAvailable && !context.isMarkedForUpdate && !context.isMarkedForRemoval;
context.allowInstall = context.isCompatible && !context.isInstalled;
if (Array.isArray(info.metadata.i18n) && info.metadata.i18n.length > 0) {
context.translated = true;
context.translatedLangs = (value) {
if (value === "root") {
value = "en";
return { name: LocalizationUtils.getLocalizedLabel(value), locale: value };
.sort(function (lang1, lang2) {
// List users language first
var locales = [lang1.locale, lang2.locale],
userLangIndex = locales.indexOf(lang);
if (userLangIndex > -1) {
return userLangIndex;
userLangIndex = locales.indexOf(shortLang);
if (userLangIndex > -1) {
return userLangIndex;
.map(function (value) {
.join(", ");
context.translatedLangs = StringUtils.format(Strings.EXTENSION_TRANSLATED_LANGS, context.translatedLangs);
// If the selected language is System Default, match both the short (2-char) language code
// and the long one
var translatedIntoUserLang =
(brackets.isLocaleDefault() && info.metadata.i18n.indexOf(shortLang) > -1) ||
info.metadata.i18n.indexOf(lang) > -1;
context.extensionTranslated = StringUtils.format(
var isInstalledInUserFolder = (entry.installInfo && entry.installInfo.locationType === ExtensionManager.LOCATION_USER);
context.allowRemove = isInstalledInUserFolder;
context.allowUpdate = context.showUpdateButton && context.isCompatible && context.updateCompatible && isInstalledInUserFolder;
if (!context.allowUpdate) {
context.updateNotAllowedReason = isInstalledInUserFolder ? Strings.CANT_UPDATE : Strings.CANT_UPDATE_DEV;
context.removalAllowed = this.model.source === "installed" &&
!context.failedToStart && !hasPendingAction;
var isDefaultOrInstalled = this.model.source === "default" || this.model.source === "installed";
var isDefaultAndTheme = this.model.source === "default" && context.metadata.theme;
context.disablingAllowed = isDefaultOrInstalled && !isDefaultAndTheme && !context.disabled && !hasPendingAction;
context.enablingAllowed = isDefaultOrInstalled && !isDefaultAndTheme && context.disabled && !hasPendingAction;
// Copy over helper functions that we share with the registry app.
["lastVersionDate", "authorInfo"].forEach(function (helper) {
context[helper] = registry_utils[helper];
// Do some extra validation on homepage url to make sure we don't end up executing local binary
if (context.metadata.homepage) {
var parsed = PathUtils.parseUrl(context.metadata.homepage);
// We can't rely on path-utils because of known problems with protocol identification
// Falling back to Browsers protocol identification mechanism
_tmpLink.href = context.metadata.homepage;
// Check if the homepage refers to a local resource
if (_tmpLink.protocol === "file:") {
var language = LanguageManager.getLanguageForExtension(parsed.filenameExtension.replace(/^\./, ''));
// If identified language for the local resource is binary, don't list it
if (language && language.isBinary()) {
delete context.metadata.homepage;
return $(this._itemTemplate(context));
ExtensionManagerView.prototype._setupEventHandlers = function () {
var self = this;
// Listen for model data and filter changes.
.on("filter", function () {
.on("change", function (e, id) {
var extensions = self.model.extensions,
$oldItem = self._itemViews[id];
if (self.model.filterSet.indexOf(id) === -1) {
// This extension is not in the filter set. Remove it from the view if we
// were rendering it previously.
if ($oldItem) {
delete self._itemViews[id];
} else {
// Render the item, replacing the old item if we had previously rendered it.
var $newItem = self._renderItem(extensions[id], self.model._getEntry(id));
if ($oldItem) {
self._itemViews[id] = $newItem;
// UI event handlers
.on("click", "a", function (e) {
var $target = $(;
if ($target.hasClass("undo-remove")) {
ExtensionManager.markForRemoval($target.attr("data-extension-id"), false);
} else if ($target.hasClass("remove")) {
ExtensionManager.markForRemoval($target.attr("data-extension-id"), true);
} else if ($target.hasClass("undo-update")) {
} else if ($target.hasClass("undo-disable")) {
ExtensionManager.markForDisabling($target.attr("data-extension-id"), false);
} else if ($"toggle-desc") === "expand-desc") {
this._toggleDescription($target.attr("data-extension-id"), $target, true);
} else if ($"toggle-desc") === "trunc-desc") {
this._toggleDescription($target.attr("data-extension-id"), $target, false);
.on("click", "button.install", function (e) {
.on("click", "button.update", function (e) {
self._installUsingDialog($("data-extension-id"), true);
.on("click", "button.remove", function (e) {
ExtensionManager.markForRemoval($("data-extension-id"), true);
.on("click", "button.disable", function (e) {
ExtensionManager.markForDisabling($("data-extension-id"), true);
.on("click", "button.enable", function (e) {
Toggles between truncated and full length extension descriptions
ExtensionManagerView.prototype._toggleDescription = function (id, $element, showFull) {
var description, linkTitle,
info = this.model._getEntry(id);
// Toggle between appropriate descriptions and link title,
// depending on if extension is installed or not
if (showFull) {
description = info.metadata.description;
} else {
description = info.metadata.shortdescription;
$"toggle-desc", showFull ? "trunc-desc" : "expand-desc")
.attr("title", linkTitle)
ExtensionManagerView.prototype._updateMessage = function () {
if (this.model.message) {
this._$emptyMessage.css("display", "block");
this._$infoMessage.css("display", "none");
this._$table.css("display", "none");
return true;
} else {
this._$emptyMessage.css("display", "none");
this._$infoMessage.css("display", this.model.infoMessage ? "block" : "none");
this._$table.css("display", "");
return false;
Filters the contents of the view.
ExtensionManagerView.prototype.filter = function (query) {
exports.ExtensionManagerView = ExtensionManagerView;
Initializes the view to show a set of extensions.
ExtensionManagerView.prototype.initialize = function (model) {
var self = this,
result = new $.Deferred();
this.model = model;
this._itemTemplate = Mustache.compile(itemTemplate);
this._itemViews = {};
this.$el = $("<div class='extension-list tab-pane' id='" + this.model.source + "'/>");
this._$emptyMessage = $("<div class='empty-message'/>")
this._$infoMessage = $("<div class='info-message'/>")
this._$table = $("<table class='table'/>").appendTo(this.$el);
this.model.initialize().done(function () {
}).always(function () {
return result.promise();