Modules (188)



Infrastructure for the preferences system.

At the top, the level at which most people will interact, is the PreferencesSystem object. The most common operation is get(id), which simply retrieves the value of a given preference.

The PreferencesSystem has a collection of Scopes, which it traverses in a specified order. Each Scope holds one level of settings.

PreferencesManager.js sets up a singleton PreferencesSystem that has the following Scopes:

  • default (the default values for any settings that are explicitly registered)
  • user (the user's customized settings – the equivalent of Brackets' old localStorage-based system. This is the settings file that lives in AppData)
  • Additional scopes for each .brackets.json file going upward in the file tree from the current file

For example, if spaceUnits has a value set in a .brackets.json file near the open file, then a call to get("spaceUnits") would return the value from that file. File values come first, user values next, default values last. If the setting is not known at all, undefined is returned.

Each Scope has an associated Storage object that knows how to load and save the preferences value for that Scope. There are two implementations: MemoryStorage and FileStorage.

The final concept used is that of Layers, which can be added to Scopes. Generally, a Layer looks for a collection of preferences that are nested in some fashion in the Scope's data. Under certain circumstances (decided upon by the Layer object), those nested preferences will take precedence over the main preferences in the Scope.





Utility for PreferencesSystem & PrefixedPreferencesSystem -- attach EventDispatcher's on()/off() implementation as private _on_internal()/_off_internal() methods, so the custom on()/off() APIs these classes use can leverage EventDispatcher code internally. Also attach the regular public trigger().

    function _addEventDispatcherImpl(proto) {
        var temp = {};
        proto._on_internal  = temp.on;
        proto._off_internal =;
        proto.trigger       = temp.trigger;


pathData Object
The keys are globs and the values are the preferences for that glob
filename string
relative filename to match against the globs
Returns: ?string
glob pattern that matched, if any
    function _findMatchingGlob(pathData, filename) {
        var globs = Object.keys(pathData),

        if (!filename) {

        for (globCounter = 0; globCounter < globs.length; globCounter++) {
            var glob = globs[globCounter];

            if (globmatch(filename, glob)) {
                return glob;




MemoryStorage, as the name implies, stores the preferences in memory. This is suitable for single session data or testing.

data Object
Initial data for the storage.
    function MemoryStorage(data) { = data || {};

    MemoryStorage.prototype = {



MemoryStorage is not stored in a file, so fileChanged is ignored.

filePath string
File that has changed
        fileChanged: function (filePath) {

    // MemoryStorage never actually dispatches change events, but Storage interface requires implementing on()/off()


Synchronously returns the data stored in this storage. The original object (not a clone) is returned.

Returns: Promise
promise that is already resolved
        load: function () {
            var result = new $.Deferred();
            return result.promise();


Synchronously saves the data to this storage. This saves the newData object reference without cloning it.

newData Object
The data to store.
Returns: Promise
promise that is already resolved
        save: function (newData) {
            var result = new $.Deferred();
   = newData;
            return result.promise();


Error type for problems parsing preference files.

message string
Error message
    function ParsingError(message) { = "ParsingError";
        this.message = message || "";

    ParsingError.prototype = new Error();


Loads/saves preferences from a JSON file on disk.

path string
Path to the preferences file
createIfMissing boolean
True if the file should be created if it doesn't exist. If this is not true, an exception will be thrown if the file does not exist.
recreateIfInvalid boolean
True if the file needs to be recreated if it is invalid. Invalid- Either unreadable or unparseable. The invalid copy will be sent to trash in case the user wants to refer to it.
    function FileStorage(path, createIfMissing, recreateIfInvalid) {
        this.path = path;
        this.createIfMissing = createIfMissing;
        this.recreateIfInvalid = recreateIfInvalid;
        this._lineEndings = FileUtils.getPlatformLineEndings();

    FileStorage.prototype = {



If the filename matches this Storage's path, a changed message is triggered.

filePath string
File that has changed
        fileChanged: function (filePath) {
            if (filePath === this.path) {



Loads the preferences from disk. Can throw an exception if the file is not readable or parseable.

Returns: Promise
Resolved with the data once it has been parsed.
        load: function () {
            var result = new $.Deferred();
            var path = this.path;
            var createIfMissing = this.createIfMissing;
            var recreateIfInvalid = this.recreateIfInvalid;
            var self = this;

            if (path) {
                var prefFile = FileSystem.getFileForPath(path);
      {}, function (err, text) {
                    if (err) {
                        if (createIfMissing) {
                            // Unreadable file is also unwritable -- delete so get recreated
                            if (recreateIfInvalid && (err === FileSystemError.NOT_READABLE || err === FileSystemError.UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING)) {
                                appshell.fs.moveToTrash(path, function (err) {
                                    if (err) {
                                        console.log("Cannot move unreadable preferences file " + path + " to trash!!");
                                    } else {
                                        console.log("Brackets has recreated the unreadable preferences file " + path + ". You may refer to the deleted file in trash in case you need it!!");
                        } else {
                            result.reject(new Error("Unable to load preferences at " + path + " " + err));

                    self._lineEndings = FileUtils.sniffLineEndings(text);

                    // If the file is empty, turn it into an empty object
                    if (/^\s*$/.test(text)) {
                    } else {
                        try {
                        } catch (e) {
                            if (recreateIfInvalid) {
                                // JSON parsing error -- recreate the preferences file
                                appshell.fs.moveToTrash(path, function (err) {
                                    if (err) {
                                        console.log("Cannot move unparseable preferences file " + path + " to trash!!");
                                    } else {
                                        console.log("Brackets has recreated the Invalid JSON preferences file " + path + ". You may refer to the deleted file in trash in case you need it!!");
                            } else {
                                result.reject(new ParsingError("Invalid JSON settings at " + path + "(" + e.toString() + ")"));
            } else {

            return result.promise();


Saves the new data to disk.

newData Object
data to save
Returns: Promise
Promise resolved (with no arguments) once the data has been saved
        save: function (newData) {
            var result = new $.Deferred();
            var path = this.path;
            var prefFile = FileSystem.getFileForPath(path);

            if (path) {
                try {
                    var text = JSON.stringify(newData, null, 4);

                    // maintain the original line endings
                    text = FileUtils.translateLineEndings(text, this._lineEndings);
                    prefFile.write(text, {}, function (err) {
                        if (err) {
                            result.reject("Unable to save prefs at " + path + " " + err);
                        } else {
                } catch (e) {
                    result.reject("Unable to convert prefs to JSON" + e.toString());
            } else {
            return result.promise();


Changes the path to the preferences file. This sends a "changed" event to listeners, regardless of whether the path has changed.

newPath string
location of this settings file
        setPath: function (newPath) {
            this.path = newPath;


A Scope is a data container that is tied to a Storage.

Additionally, Scopes support "layers" which are additional levels of preferences that are stored within a single preferences file.

storage Storage
Storage object from which prefs are loaded/saved
    function Scope(storage) { = storage;
        storage.on("changed", this.load.bind(this)); = {};
        this._dirty = false;
        this._layers = [];
        this._layerMap = {};
        this._exclusions = [];

    _.extend(Scope.prototype, {




id string
key to set or delete
value *
value for this key (undefined to delete)
Returns: boolean
true if the value was set.
        _performSet: function (id, value) {
            if (!_.isEqual([id], value)) {
                this._dirty = true;
                if (value === undefined) {
                } else {
          [id] = _.cloneDeep(value);
                return true;
            return false;


Adds a Layer to this Scope. The Layer object should define a key, which represents the subset of the preference data that the Layer works with. Layers should also define get and getKeys operations that are like their counterparts in Scope but take "data" as the first argument.

Listeners are notified of potential changes in preferences with the addition of this layer.

layer Layer
Layer object to add to this Scope
        addLayer: function (layer) {
            this._layerMap[layer.key] = layer;
            this.trigger(PREFERENCE_CHANGE, {
                ids: layer.getKeys([layer.key], {})


Determines if there are likely to be any changes based on the change of context.

oldContext {path: string,language: string}
Old context
newContext {path: string,language: string}
New context
Returns: Array.<string>
List of changed IDs
        contextChanged: function (oldContext, newContext) {
            var changes = [],
                data    =;

            _.each(this._layers, function (layer) {
                if (data[layer.key] && oldContext[layer.key] !== newContext[layer.key]) {
                    var changesInLayer = layer.contextChanged(data[layer.key],
                    if (changesInLayer) {
            return _.union.apply(null, changes);


    // Utility functions for the PathLayer


Tells the Scope that the given file has been changed so that the Storage can be reloaded if needed.

filePath string
File that has changed
        fileChanged: function (filePath) {


Get the value for id, given the context. The context is provided to layers which may override the value from the main data of the Scope. Note that layers will often exclude values from consideration.

id string
Preference to retrieve
context nullable Object
Optional additional information about the request
Returns: *
Current value of the Preference
        get: function (id, context) {
            var layerCounter,
                layers = this._layers,
                data =,

            context = context || {};

            for (layerCounter = 0; layerCounter < layers.length; layerCounter++) {
                layer = layers[layerCounter];
                result = layer.get(data[layer.key], id, context);
                if (result !== undefined) {
                    return result;

            if (this._exclusions.indexOf(id) === -1) {
                return data[id];


Get the preference IDs that are set in this Scope. All layers are added in. If context is not provided, the set of all keys in the Scope including all keys in each layer will be returned.

context nullable Object
Optional additional information for looking up the keys
Returns: Array.<string>
Set of preferences set by this Scope
        getKeys: function (context) {
            context = context || {};

            var layerCounter,
                layers = this._layers,
                data =;

            var keySets = [_.difference(_.keys(data), this._exclusions)];
            for (layerCounter = 0; layerCounter < layers.length; layerCounter++) {
                layer = layers[layerCounter];
                keySets.push(layer.getKeys(data[layer.key], context));

            return _.union.apply(null, keySets);


Get the location in this Scope (if any) where the given preference is set.

id string
Name of the preference for which the value should be retrieved
context optional Object
Optional context object to change the preference lookup
Returns: {layer: ?string,layerID: ?object},undefined
Object describing where the preferences came from. An empty object means that it was defined in the Scope's base data. Undefined means the pref is not defined in this Scope.
        getPreferenceLocation: function (id, context) {
            var layerCounter,
                layers = this._layers,
                data =,

            context = context || {};

            for (layerCounter = 0; layerCounter < layers.length; layerCounter++) {
                layer = layers[layerCounter];
                result = layer.getPreferenceLocation(data[layer.key], id, context);
                if (result !== undefined) {
                    return {
                        layer: layer.key,
                        layerID: result

            if (this._exclusions.indexOf(id) === -1 && data[id] !== undefined) {
                // The value is defined in this Scope, which means we need to return an
                // empty object as a signal to the PreferencesSystem that this pref
                // is defined in this Scope (in the base data)
                return {};

            // return undefined when this Scope does not have the requested pref
            return undefined;


Loads the prefs for this Scope from the Storage.

Returns: Promise
Promise that is resolved once loading is complete
        load: function () {
            var result = new $.Deferred();
                .then(function (data) {
                    var oldKeys = this.getKeys();
           = data;
                    this.trigger(PREFERENCE_CHANGE, {
                        ids: _.union(this.getKeys(), oldKeys)
                .fail(function (error) {
            return result.promise();


Saves the prefs for this Scope.

Returns: Promise
promise resolved once the data is saved.
        save: function () {
            var self = this;
            if (this._dirty) {
                self._dirty = false;
            } else {
                return (new $.Deferred()).resolve().promise();


Sets the value for id. The value is set at the location given, or at the current location for the preference if no location is specified. If an invalid location is given, nothing will be set and no exception is thrown.

id string
Key to set
value *
Value for this key
context optional Object
Optional additional information about the request (typically used for layers)
location optional {layer: ?string, layerID: ?Object}
Optional location in which to set the value. If the object is empty, the value will be set at the Scope's base level.
Returns: boolean
true if the value was set
        set: function (id, value, context, location) {
            if (!location) {
                location = this.getPreferenceLocation(id, context);
            if (location && location.layer) {
                var layer = this._layerMap[location.layer];
                if (layer) {
                    if ([layer.key] === undefined) {
              [layer.key] = {};

                    var wasSet = layer.set([layer.key], id, value, context, location.layerID);
                    this._dirty = this._dirty || wasSet;
                    return wasSet;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                return this._performSet(id, value);


Create a default project layer object that has a single property "key" with "project" as its value.

    function ProjectLayer() {
        this.projectPath = null;

    ProjectLayer.prototype = {
        key: "project",



Retrieve the current value based on the current project path in the layer.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
id string
preference ID to look up
        get: function (data, id) {
            if (!data || !this.projectPath) {

            if (data[this.projectPath] && (data[this.projectPath][id] !== undefined)) {
                return data[this.projectPath][id];


Retrieves the keys provided by this layer object.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
        getKeys: function (data) {
            if (!data) {

            return _.union.apply(null,, _.keys));


Gets the location in which the given pref was set, if it was set within this project layer for the current project path.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
id string
preference ID to look up
Returns: string
the Layer ID, in this case the current project path.
        getPreferenceLocation: function (data, id) {
            if (!data || !this.projectPath) {

            if (data[this.projectPath] && (data[this.projectPath][id] !== undefined)) {
                return this.projectPath;



Sets the preference value in the given data structure for the layerID provided. If no layerID is provided, then the current project path is used. If a layerID is provided and it does not exist, it will be created.

This function returns whether or not a value was set.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
id string
preference ID to look up
value Object
new value to assign to the preference
context Object
Object with scope and layer key-value pairs (not yet used in project layer)
layerID optional string
Optional: project path to be used for setting value
Returns: boolean
true if the value was set
        set: function (data, id, value, context, layerID) {
            if (!layerID) {
                layerID = this.getPreferenceLocation(data, id);

            if (!layerID) {
                return false;

            var section = data[layerID];
            if (!section) {
                data[layerID] = section = {};
            if (!_.isEqual(section[id], value)) {
                if (value === undefined) {
                    delete section[id];
                } else {
                    section[id] = _.cloneDeep(value);
                return true;
            return false;


Set the project path to be used as the layer ID of this layer object.

projectPath string
Path of the project root
        setProjectPath: function (projectPath) {
            this.projectPath = projectPath;


    function LanguageLayer() {

    LanguageLayer.prototype = {
        key: "language",



Determines if there are preference IDs that could change as a result of the context change. This implementation considers only changes in language.

data Object
Data in the Scope
oldContext {language: string}
Old context
newContext {language: string}
New context
Returns: Array.<string>,undefined
list of preference IDs that could have changed
        contextChanged: function (data, oldContext, newContext) {
            // this function is called only if the language has changed
            if (newContext.language === undefined) {
                return _.keys(data[oldContext.language]);
            if (oldContext.language === undefined) {
                return _.keys(data[newContext.language]);

            return _.union(_.keys(data[newContext.language]), _.keys(data[oldContext.language]));


Retrieve the current value based on the specified context. If the context does contain language field, undefined is returned.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
id string
preference ID to look up
context {language: string}
Context to operate with
Returns: *,undefined
property value
        get: function (data, id, context) {
            if (!data || !context.language) {

            if (data[context.language] && (data[context.language][id] !== undefined)) {
                return data[context.language][id];


Retrieves the keys provided by this layer object. If the context is empty, it will return all the keys provided in all the layerIDs (languages).

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
context {language: string}
Context to operate with
Returns: Array<{string}>,undefined
An array of pref ids
        getKeys: function (data, context) {
            if (!data) {

            // do not upset other layers if context for the this one is not specified
            if (!_.isEmpty(context)) {
                if (data[context.language]) {
                    return _.keys(data[context.language]);
                } else {
                    return [];
            } else {
                return _.union.apply(null,, _.keys));


Gets the location in which the given pref was set, if it was set within this language layer for the current language.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
id string
preference ID to look up
context {language: string}
Context to operate with
Returns: string,undefined
the Layer ID, in this case the current language
        getPreferenceLocation: function (data, id, context) {
            if (!data || !context.language) {

            if (data[context.language] && (data[context.language][id] !== undefined)) {
                return context.language;



Sets the preference value in the given data structure for the layerID provided. If no layerID is provided, then it will be determined using getPreferenceLocation. If a layerID is located, but it does not exist, it will be created.

This function returns whether or not a value was set.

data Object
The preference data from the Scope
id string
Preference ID to look up
value Object
New value to assign to the preference
context {language: string}
Context to operate with
layerID optional string
Language to be used for setting value
Returns: boolean
True if the value was set
        set: function (data, id, value, context, layerID) {
            if (!layerID) {
                layerID = this.getPreferenceLocation(data, id, context);

            if (!layerID) {
                return false;

            var section = data[layerID];
            if (!section) {
                data[layerID] = section = {};
            if (!_.isEqual(section[id], value)) {
                if (value === undefined) {
                    delete section[id];
                    if (_.isEmpty(section)) {
                        delete data[layerID];
                } else {
                    section[id] = _.cloneDeep(value);
                return true;
            return false;


There can be multiple paths and they are each checked in turn. The first that matches the currently edited file wins.

prefFilePath string
path to the preference file
    function PathLayer(prefFilePath) {

    PathLayer.prototype = {
        key: "path",



Determines if there are preference IDs that could change as a result of a change in the context. This implementation considers only the path portion of the context and looks up matching globes if any.

data Object
Data in the Scope
oldContext {path: string}
Old context
newContext {path: string}
New context
Returns: Array.<string>
list of preference IDs that could have changed
        contextChanged: function (data, oldContext, newContext) {
            var newGlob = _findMatchingGlob(data,
                              FileUtils.getRelativeFilename(this.prefFilePath, newContext[this.key])),
                oldGlob = _findMatchingGlob(data,
                              FileUtils.getRelativeFilename(this.prefFilePath, oldContext[this.key]));

            if (newGlob === oldGlob) {
            if (newGlob === undefined) {
                return _.keys(data[oldGlob]);
            if (oldGlob === undefined) {
                return _.keys(data[newGlob]);

            return _.union(_.keys(data[oldGlob]), _.keys(data[newGlob]));


Retrieve the current value based on the filename in the context object, comparing globs relative to the prefFilePath that this PathLayer was set up with.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
id string
preference ID to look up
context Object
Object with filename that will be compared to the globs
        get: function (data, id, context) {
            var glob = this.getPreferenceLocation(data, id, context);

            if (!glob) {

            return data[glob][id];


Retrieves the keys provided by this layer object. If context with a filename is provided, only the keys for the matching file glob are given. Otherwise, all keys for all globs are provided.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
context nullable Object
Additional context data (filename in particular is important)
        getKeys: function (data, context) {
            if (!data) {

            var relativeFilename = FileUtils.getRelativeFilename(this.prefFilePath, context[this.key]);

            if (relativeFilename) {
                var glob = _findMatchingGlob(data, relativeFilename);
                if (glob) {
                    return _.keys(data[glob]);
                } else {
                    return [];
            return _.union.apply(null,, _.keys));


Gets the location in which the given pref was set, if it was set within this path layer for the current path.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
id string
preference ID to look up
context Object
Object with filename that will be compared to the globs
Returns: string
the Layer ID, in this case the glob that matched
        getPreferenceLocation: function (data, id, context) {
            if (!data) {

            var relativeFilename = FileUtils.getRelativeFilename(this.prefFilePath, context[this.key]);
            if (!relativeFilename) {

            return _findMatchingGlob(data, relativeFilename);


Sets the preference value in the given data structure for the layerID provided. If no layerID is provided, then the current layer is used. If a layerID is provided and it does not exist, it will be created.

This function returns whether or not a value was set.

data Object
the preference data from the Scope
id string
preference ID to look up
value Object
new value to assign to the preference
context Object
Object with filename that will be compared to the globs
layerID optional string
Optional: glob pattern for a specific section to set the value in
Returns: boolean
true if the value was set
        set: function (data, id, value, context, layerID) {
            if (!layerID) {
                layerID = this.getPreferenceLocation(data, id, context);

            if (!layerID) {
                return false;

            var section = data[layerID];
            if (!section) {
                data[layerID] = section = {};
            if (!_.isEqual(section[id], value)) {
                if (value === undefined) {
                    delete section[id];
                } else {
                    section[id] = _.cloneDeep(value);
                return true;
            return false;


Changes the preference file path.

prefFilePath string
New path to the preferences file
        setPrefFilePath: function (prefFilePath) {
            if (!prefFilePath) {
                this.prefFilePath = "/";
            } else {
                this.prefFilePath = FileUtils.getDirectoryPath(prefFilePath);


Represents a single, known Preference.

properties Object
Information about the Preference that is stored on this object
    function Preference(properties) {
        _.extend(this, properties);



Provides a subset of the PreferencesSystem functionality with preference access always occurring with the given prefix.

base PreferencesSystem
The real PreferencesSystem that is backing this one
prefix string
Prefix that is used for preferences lookup. Any separator characters should already be added.
    function PrefixedPreferencesSystem(base, prefix) {
        this.base = base;
        this.prefix = prefix;
        this._listenerInstalled = false;

    PrefixedPreferencesSystem.prototype = {




        _installListener: function () {
            if (this._listenerInstalled) {
            var self = this,
                prefix = this.prefix;

            var onlyWithPrefix = function (id) {
                if (_.startsWith(id, prefix)) {
                    return true;
                return false;

            var withoutPrefix = function (id) {
                return id.substr(prefix.length);

            this.base.on(PREFERENCE_CHANGE, function (e, data) {
                var prefixedIds = data.ids.filter(onlyWithPrefix);

                if (prefixedIds.length > 0) {
                    self.trigger(PREFERENCE_CHANGE, {

            this._listenerInstalled = true;


Defines a new (prefixed) preference.

id string
unprefixed identifier of the preference. Generally a dotted name.
type string
Data type for the preference (generally, string, boolean, number)
initial Object
Default value for the preference
options nullable {name: string=, description: string=, validator: function=, excludeFromHints: boolean=, keys: object=, values: array=, valueType: string=}
Additional options for the pref. - `` Name of the preference that can be used in the UI. - `options.description` A description of the preference. - `options.validator` A function to validate the value of a preference. - `options.excludeFromHints` True if you want to exclude a preference from code hints. - `options.keys` An object that will hold the child preferences in case the preference type is `object` - `options.values` An array of possible values of a preference. It will show up in code hints. - `options.valueType` In case the preference type is `array`, `valueType` should hold data type of its elements.
Returns: Object
The preference object.
        definePreference: function (id, type, initial, options) {
            return this.base.definePreference(this.prefix + id, type, initial, options);


Gets the prefixed preference

id string
Name of the preference for which the value should be retrieved
context optional Object
Optional context object to change the preference lookup
        get: function (id, context) {
            context = context || {};
            return this.base.get(this.prefix + id, this.base._getContext(context));


Get the prefixed preference object

id string
ID of the pref to retrieve.
        getPreference: function (id) {
            return this.base.getPreference(this.prefix + id);


Gets the location in which the value of a prefixed preference has been set.

id string
Name of the preference for which the value should be retrieved
context optional Object
Optional context object to change the preference lookup
Returns: {scope: string,layer: ?string,layerID: ?object}
Object describing where the preferences came from
        getPreferenceLocation: function (id, context) {
            return this.base.getPreferenceLocation(this.prefix + id, context);


Turns off the event handlers for a given event, optionally for a specific preference or a specific handler function.

event string
Name of the event for which to turn off listening
preferenceID string,Function
Name of a specific preference or the handler function
handler nullable Function
Specific handler which should stop being notified
        off: function (event, preferenceID, handler) {
            if (typeof preferenceID === "function") {
                handler = preferenceID;
                preferenceID = null;

            if (preferenceID) {
                var pref = this.getPreference(preferenceID);
      , handler);
            } else {
                this._off_internal(event, handler);


Sets up a listener for events for this PrefixedPreferencesSystem. Only prefixed events will notify. Optionally, you can set up a listener for a specific preference.

event string
Name of the event to listen for
preferenceID string,Function
Name of a specific preference or the handler function
handler nullable Function
Handler for the event
        on: function (event, preferenceID, handler) {
            if (typeof preferenceID === "function") {
                handler = preferenceID;
                preferenceID = null;

            if (preferenceID) {
                var pref = this.getPreference(preferenceID);
                pref.on(event, handler);
            } else {
                this._on_internal(event, handler);


Saves the preferences. If a save is already in progress, a Promise is returned for that save operation.

Returns: Promise
Resolved when the preferences are done saving.
        save: function () {



Sets the prefixed preference

id string
Identifier of the preference to set
value Object
New value for the preference
options optional {location: ?Object, context: ?Object}
Specific location in which to set the value or the context to use when setting the value
doNotSave optional boolean
True if the preference change should not be saved automatically.
Returns: valid: {boolean},true if no validator specified or if value is valid stored: {boolean}
true if a value was stored
        set: function (id, value, options, doNotSave) {
            return this.base.set(this.prefix + id, value, options, doNotSave);


PreferencesSystem ties everything together to provide a simple interface for managing the whole prefs system.

It keeps track of multiple Scope levels and also manages path-based Scopes.

It also provides the ability to register preferences, which gives a fine-grained means for listening for changes and will ultimately allow for automatic UI generation.

The contextBuilder is used to construct get/set contexts based on the needs of individual context systems. It can be passed in at construction time or set later.

contextNormalizer function
function that is passed the context used for get or set to adjust for specific PreferencesSystem behavior
    function PreferencesSystem(contextBuilder) {
        this.contextBuilder = contextBuilder;

        this._knownPrefs = {};
        this._scopes = {
            "default": new Scope(new MemoryStorage())


        this._defaults = {
            scopeOrder: ["default"],
            _shadowScopeOrder: [{
                id: "default",
                scope: this._scopes["default"],
                promise: (new $.Deferred()).resolve().promise()

        this._pendingScopes = {};

        this._saveInProgress = false;
        this._nextSaveDeferred = null;

        // The objects that define the different kinds of path-based Scope handlers.
        // Examples could include the handler for .brackets.json files or an .editorconfig
        // handler.
        this._pathScopeDefinitions = {};

        // Names of the files that contain path scopes
        this._pathScopeFilenames = [];

        // Keeps track of cached path scope objects.
        this._pathScopes = {};

        // Keeps track of change events that need to be sent when change events are resumed
        this._changeEventQueue = null;

        var notifyPrefChange = function (id) {
            var pref = this._knownPrefs[id];
            if (pref) {

        // When we signal a general change message on this manager, we also signal a change
        // on the individual preference object.
        this.on(PREFERENCE_CHANGE, function (e, data) {

    _.extend(PreferencesSystem.prototype, {




id string
Name of the new Scope
scope Scope
The scope object to add
promise $.Promise
Scope's load promise
addBefore nullable string
Name of the Scope before which this new one is added
        _addToScopeOrder: function (id, scope, promise, addBefore) {
            var shadowScopeOrder = this._defaults._shadowScopeOrder,
                isPending = false,
                self = this;

            scope.on(PREFERENCE_CHANGE + ".prefsys", function (e, data) {

            index = _.findIndex(shadowScopeOrder, function (entry) {
                return === id;

            if (index > -1) {
                shadowEntry = shadowScopeOrder[index];
            } else {


context Object
Context that was passed in
Returns: {scopeOrder: string,filename: ?string}
context object
        _getContext: function (context) {
            if (context) {
                if (this.contextBuilder) {
                    context = this.contextBuilder(context);
                if (!context.scopeOrder) {
                    context.scopeOrder = this._defaults.scopeOrder;
                return context;
            return { scopeOrder: this._defaults.scopeOrder };


context {scopeOrder: ?Array.<string>
Returns: Array.<string>
list of scopes in the correct order for traversal
        _getScopeOrder: function (context) {
            return context.scopeOrder || this._defaults.scopeOrder;


id string
Id of the scope to add
before string
Id of the scope to add it before
        _pushToScopeOrder: function (id, before) {
            var defaultScopeOrder = this._defaults.scopeOrder,
                index = _.findIndex(defaultScopeOrder, function (id) {
                    return id === before;
            if (index > -1) {
                defaultScopeOrder.splice(index, 0, id);
            } else {
                // error
                throw new Error("Internal error: scope " + before + " should be in the scope order");



data {ids: Array.<string>}
Message to send
        _triggerChange: function (data) {
            if (this._changeEventQueue) {
                this._changeEventQueue = _.union(this._changeEventQueue, data.ids);
            } else {
                this.trigger(PREFERENCE_CHANGE, data);


shadowEntry Object
Shadow entry of the resolved scope
        _tryAddToScopeOrder: function (shadowEntry) {
            var shadowScopeOrder = this._defaults._shadowScopeOrder,
                index = _.findIndex(shadowScopeOrder, function (entry) {
                    return entry === shadowEntry;
                i = index + 1;

            // Find an appropriate scope of lower priority to add it before
            while (i < shadowScopeOrder.length) {
                if (shadowScopeOrder[i].promise.state() === "pending" ||
                        shadowScopeOrder[i].promise.state() === "resolved") {
            switch (shadowScopeOrder[i].promise.state()) {
            case "pending":
                // cannot decide now, lookup once pending promise is settled
                shadowScopeOrder[i].promise.always(function () {
            case "resolved":
                this._pushToScopeOrder(, shadowScopeOrder[i].id);
                this.trigger(SCOPEORDER_CHANGE, {
                    action: "added"
                    ids: shadowEntry.scope.getKeys()
                throw new Error("Internal error: no scope found to add before. \"default\" is missing?..");



Adds a new Scope. New Scopes are added at the highest precedence, unless the "before" option is given. The new Scope is automatically loaded.

id string
Name of the Scope
scope Scope,Storage
the Scope object itself. Optionally, can be given a Storage directly for convenience.
options {before: string}
optional behavior when adding (e.g. setting which scope this comes before)
Returns: Promise
Promise that is resolved when the Scope is loaded. It is resolved with id and scope.
        addScope: function (id, scope, options) {
            var promise;
            options = options || {};

            if (this._scopes[id]) {
                throw new Error("Attempt to redefine preferences scope: " + id);

            // Check to see if scope is a Storage that needs to be wrapped
            if (!scope.get) {
                scope = new Scope(scope);

            promise = scope.load();

            this._addToScopeOrder(id, scope, promise, options.before);

                .fail(function (err) {
                    // With preferences, it is valid for there to be no file.
                    // It is not valid to have an unparseable file.
                    if (err instanceof ParsingError) {

            return promise;


Adds scope to the scope order by its id. The scope should be previously added to the preference system.

id string
the scope id
before string
the id of the scope to add before
        addToScopeOrder: function (id, addBefore) {
            var shadowScopeOrder = this._defaults._shadowScopeOrder,
                index = _.findIndex(shadowScopeOrder, function (entry) {
                    return === id;
            if (index > -1) {
                entry = shadowScopeOrder[index];
                this._addToScopeOrder(, entry.scope, entry.promise, addBefore);


Defines a new preference.

id string
identifier of the preference. Generally a dotted name.
type string
Data type for the preference (generally, string, boolean, number)
initial Object
Default value for the preference
options nullable {name: string=, description: string=, validator: function=, excludeFromHints: boolean=, keys: object=, values: array=, valueType: string=}
Additional options for the pref. - `` Name of the preference that can be used in the UI. - `options.description` A description of the preference. - `options.validator` A function to validate the value of a preference. - `options.excludeFromHints` True if you want to exclude a preference from code hints. - `options.keys` An object that will hold the child preferences in case the preference type is `object` - `options.values` An array of possible values of a preference. It will show up in code hints. - `options.valueType` In case the preference type is `array`, `valueType` should hold data type of its elements.
Returns: Object
The preference object.
        definePreference: function (id, type, initial, options) {
            options = options || {};
            if (this._knownPrefs.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                throw new Error("Preference " + id + " was redefined");
            var pref = this._knownPrefs[id] = new Preference({
                type: type,
                initial: initial,
                description: options.description,
                validator: options.validator,
                excludeFromHints: options.excludeFromHints,
                keys: options.keys,
                values: options.values,
                valueType: options.valueType
            this.set(id, initial, {
                location: {
                    scope: "default"
            return pref;


Tells the PreferencesSystem that the given file has been changed so that any related Scopes can be reloaded.

filePath string
File that has changed
        fileChanged: function (filePath) {
            _.forEach(this._scopes, function (scope) {


Get the current value of a preference. The optional context provides a way to change scope ordering or the reference filename for path-based scopes.

id string
Name of the preference for which the value should be retrieved
context optional Object, string
Optional context object or name of context to change the preference lookup
        get: function (id, context) {
            var scopeCounter;

            context = this._getContext(context);

            var scopeOrder = this._getScopeOrder(context);

            for (scopeCounter = 0; scopeCounter < scopeOrder.length; scopeCounter++) {
                var scope = this._scopes[scopeOrder[scopeCounter]];
                if (scope) {
                    var result = scope.get(id, context);
                    if (result !== undefined) {
                        var pref      = this.getPreference(id),
                            validator = pref && pref.validator;
                        if (!validator || validator(result)) {
                            if (pref && pref.type === "object") {
                                result = _.extend({}, pref.initial, result);
                            return _.cloneDeep(result);


Returns a clone of all preferences defined.

Returns: Object
        getAllPreferences: function () {
            return _.cloneDeep(this._knownPrefs);


Get the preference object for the given ID.

id string
ID of the pref to retrieve.
        getPreference: function (id) {
            return this._knownPrefs[id];


Gets the location in which the value of a preference has been set.

id string
Name of the preference for which the value should be retrieved
context optional Object
Optional context object to change the preference lookup
Returns: {scope: string,layer: ?string,layerID: ?object}
Object describing where the preferences came from
        getPreferenceLocation: function (id, context) {
            var scopeCounter,

            context = this._getContext(context);

            var scopeOrder = this._getScopeOrder(context);

            for (scopeCounter = 0; scopeCounter < scopeOrder.length; scopeCounter++) {
                scopeName = scopeOrder[scopeCounter];
                var scope = this._scopes[scopeName];
                if (scope) {
                    var result = scope.getPreferenceLocation(id, context);
                    if (result !== undefined) {
                        result.scope = scopeName;
                        return result;


Retrieves a PreferencesSystem in which all preference access is prefixed. This helps provide namespacing so that different preferences consumers do not interfere with one another.

The prefix provided has a . character appended when preference lookups are done.

        getPrefixedSystem: function (prefix) {
            return new PrefixedPreferencesSystem(this, prefix + ".");



    // Public interface
    exports.PreferencesSystem   = PreferencesSystem;
    exports.Scope               = Scope;
    exports.MemoryStorage       = MemoryStorage;
    exports.PathLayer           = PathLayer;
    exports.ProjectLayer        = ProjectLayer;
    exports.LanguageLayer       = LanguageLayer;
    exports.FileStorage         = FileStorage;


Turns off the event handlers for a given event, optionally for a specific preference or a specific handler function.

event string
Name of the event for which to turn off listening
preferenceID string,Function
Name of a specific preference or the handler function
handler nullable Function
Specific handler which should stop being notified
        off: function (event, preferenceID, handler) {
            if (typeof preferenceID === "function") {
                handler = preferenceID;
                preferenceID = null;

            if (preferenceID) {
                var pref = this.getPreference(preferenceID);
      , handler);
            } else {
                this._off_internal(event, handler);


Sets up a listener for events. Optionally, you can set up a listener for a specific preference.

event string
Name of the event to listen for
preferenceID string,Function
Name of a specific preference or the handler function
handler nullable Function
Handler for the event
        on: function (event, preferenceID, handler) {
            if (typeof preferenceID === "function") {
                handler = preferenceID;
                preferenceID = null;

            if (preferenceID) {
                var pref = this.getPreference(preferenceID);
                pref.on(event, handler);
            } else {
                this._on_internal(event, handler);


Turns off sending of change events, queueing them up for sending once sending is resumed. The events are compacted so that each preference that will be notified is only notified once. (For example, if spaceUnits is changed 5 times, only one change event will be sent upon resuming events.)

        pauseChangeEvents: function () {
            if (!this._changeEventQueue) {
                this._changeEventQueue = [];


Removes a scope from the default scope order.

id string
Name of the Scope to remove from the default scope order.
        removeFromScopeOrder: function (id) {
            var scope = this._scopes[id];
            if (scope) {
                _.pull(this._defaults.scopeOrder, id);
                this.trigger(SCOPEORDER_CHANGE, {
                    id: id,
                    action: "removed"
                    ids: scope.getKeys()


Removes a Scope from this PreferencesSystem. Returns without doing anything if the Scope does not exist. Notifies listeners of preferences that may have changed.

id string
Name of the Scope to remove
        removeScope: function (id) {
            var scope = this._scopes[id],
            if (!scope) {

            shadowIndex = _.findIndex(this._defaults._shadowScopeOrder, function (entry) {
                return === id;
            this._defaults._shadowScopeOrder.splice(shadowIndex, 1);
            delete this._scopes[id];


Turns sending of events back on, sending any events that were queued while the events were paused.

        resumeChangeEvents: function () {
            if (this._changeEventQueue) {
                this.trigger(PREFERENCE_CHANGE, {
                    ids: this._changeEventQueue
                this._changeEventQueue = null;


Saves the preferences. If a save is already in progress, a Promise is returned for that save operation.

Returns: Promise
Resolved when the preferences are done saving.
        save: function () {
            if (this._saveInProgress) {
                if (!this._nextSaveDeferred) {
                    this._nextSaveDeferred = new $.Deferred();
                return this._nextSaveDeferred.promise();

            var deferred = this._nextSaveDeferred || (new $.Deferred());
            this._saveInProgress = true;
            this._nextSaveDeferred = null;

            Async.doInParallel(_.values(this._scopes), function (scope) {
                if (scope) {
                } else {
                    return (new $.Deferred()).resolve().promise();
                .then(function () {
                    this._saveInProgress = false;
                    if (this._nextSaveDeferred) {
                .fail(function (err) {

            return deferred.promise();


Sets a preference and notifies listeners that there may have been a change. By default, the preference is set in the same location in which it was defined except for the "default" scope. If the current value of the preference comes from the "default" scope, the new value will be set at the level just above default.

id string
Identifier of the preference to set
value Object
New value for the preference
options optional {location: ?Object, context: ?Object}
Specific location in which to set the value or the context to use when setting the value
doNotSave optional boolean
True if the preference change should not be saved automatically.
Returns: valid: {boolean},true if no validator specified or if value is valid stored: {boolean}
true if a value was stored
        set: function (id, value, options, doNotSave) {
            options = options || {};
            var context = this._getContext(options.context),

                // The case where the "default" scope was chosen specifically is special.
                // Usually "default" would come up only when a preference did not have any
                // user-set value, in which case we'd want to set the value in a different scope.
                forceDefault = options.location && options.location.scope === "default" ? true : false,
                location = options.location || this.getPreferenceLocation(id, context);

            if (!location || (location.scope === "default" && !forceDefault)) {
                var scopeOrder = this._getScopeOrder(context);

                // The default scope for setting a preference is the lowest priority
                // scope after "default".
                if (scopeOrder.length > 1) {
                    location = {
                        scope: scopeOrder[scopeOrder.length - 2]
                } else {
                    return { valid: true, stored: false };

            var scope = this._scopes[location.scope];
            if (!scope) {
                return { valid: true, stored: false };

            var pref      = this.getPreference(id),
                validator = pref && pref.validator;
            if (validator && !validator(value)) {
                return { valid: false, stored: false };

            var wasSet = scope.set(id, value, context, location);
            if (wasSet) {
                if (!doNotSave) {
                    ids: [id]
            return { valid: true, stored: wasSet };


Signals the context change to all the scopes within the preferences layer. PreferencesManager is in charge of computing the context and signaling the changes to PreferencesSystem.

oldContext {path: string,language: string}
Old context
newContext {path: string,language: string}
New context
        signalContextChanged: function (oldContext, newContext) {
            var changes = [];

            _.each(this._scopes, function (scope) {
                var changedInScope = scope.contextChanged(oldContext, newContext);
                if (changedInScope) {

            changes = _.union.apply(null, changes);
            if (changes.length > 0) {
                    ids: changes