This module contains functions for "instrumenting" html code so that we can track the relationship of source code to DOM nodes in the browser. This functionality is used by both live highlighting and live HTML editing.
During live HTML development, the HTML source code is parsed to identify tag boundaries. Each tag is assigned an ID which is stored in markers that are inserted into the editor. These IDs are also included in "data-brackets-id" attributes that are inserted in the HTML code that's served to the browser via the Live Development server.
The primary function for that functionality is generateInstrumentedHTML(). This does just what it says - it will read the HTML content in the doc and generate instrumented code by injecting "data-brackets-id" attributes. Additionally, it caches the parsed DOM for use by future updates.
As the user makes edits in the editor, we determine how the DOM structure should change based on the edits to the source code; those edits are generated by getUnappliedEditList(). HTMLDocument (in LiveDevelopment) takes those edits and sends them to the browser (via RemoteFunctions) so that the DOM structure in the live preview can be updated accordingly.
There are also helper functions for returning the tagID associated with a specified position in the document--this is used in live highlighting.
function _dumpMarks(editor, nodeMap) {
var markCache = {},
marks = _getSortedTagMarks(editor._codeMirror.getAllMarks(), markCache);
marks.forEach(function (markInfo) {
var mark = markInfo.mark,
range = markInfo.range;
console.log("<" + nodeMap[mark.tagID].tag + "> (" + mark.tagID + ") " +
range.from.line + ":" + + " - " + + ":" +;
// Workaround for JSHint to not complain about the unused function
function _getBrowserDiff(editor, browserSimpleDOM) {
var cachedValue = _cachedValues[editor.document.file.fullPath],
editorRoot = cachedValue.dom,
browserRoot = _processBrowserSimpleDOM(browserSimpleDOM, editorRoot.tagID);
return {
diff : HTMLDOMDiff.domdiff(editorRoot, browserRoot),
browser : browserRoot,
editor : editorRoot
DocumentManager.on("beforeDocumentDelete", _removeDocFromCache);
function _getMarkerAtDocumentPos(editor, pos, preferParent, markCache) {
var marks, match;
markCache = markCache || {};
marks = _getSortedTagMarks(editor._codeMirror.findMarksAt(pos), markCache);
if (!marks.length) {
return null;
// The mark with the latest start is the innermost one.
match = marks.pop();
if (preferParent) {
// If the match is exactly at the edge of the range and preferParent is set,
// we want to pop upwards. If pos is exactly between two marks, we need to pop upwards twice.
while (match && (_posEq(match.range.from, pos) || _posEq(, pos))) {
match = marks.pop();
return match && match.mark;
function _getSortedTagMarks(marks, markCache) {
marks = marks.filter(function (mark) {
return !!mark.tagID;
}).map(function (mark) {
// All marks should exist since we just got them from CodeMirror.
if (!markCache[mark.tagID]) {
markCache[mark.tagID] = {mark: mark, range: mark.find()};
return markCache[mark.tagID];
marks.sort(function (mark1, mark2) {
return (mark1.range.from.line === mark2.range.from.line ? - :
mark1.range.from.line - mark2.range.from.line);
return marks;
Get the instrumented tagID at the specified position. Returns -1 if there are no instrumented tags at the location. The _markText() function must be called before calling this function.
NOTE: This function is "private" for now (has a leading underscore), since the API is likely to change in the future.
function _getTagIDAtDocumentPos(editor, pos, markCache) {
var match = _getMarkerAtDocumentPos(editor, pos, false, markCache);
return (match) ? match.tagID : -1;
function _hasAncestorWithID(node, id) {
var ancestor = node.parent;
while (ancestor && ancestor.tagID !== id) {
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
return !!ancestor;
Recursively walks the SimpleDOM starting at node and marking all tags in the CodeMirror instance. The more useful interface is the _markTextFromDOM function which clears existing marks before calling this function to create new ones.
function _markTags(cm, node) {
node.children.forEach(function (childNode) {
if (childNode.isElement()) {
_markTags(cm, childNode);
var mark = cm.markText(node.startPos, node.endPos);
mark.tagID = node.tagID;
Mark the text for the specified editor. Either scanDocument() or generateInstrumentedHTML() must be called before this function is called.
NOTE: This function is "private" for now (has a leading underscore), since the API is likely to change in the future.
function _markText(editor) {
var cache = _cachedValues[editor.document.file.fullPath],
dom = cache && cache.dom;
if (!dom) {
console.error("Couldn't find the dom for " + editor.document.file.fullPath);
_markTextFromDOM(editor, dom);
Clears the marks from the document and creates new ones.
function _markTextFromDOM(editor, dom) {
var cm = editor._codeMirror;
// Remove existing marks
var marks = cm.getAllMarks();
cm.operation(function () {
marks.forEach(function (mark) {
if (mark.hasOwnProperty("tagID")) {
// Mark
_markTags(cm, dom);
function _posEq(pos1, pos2) {
return pos1 && pos2 && pos1.line === pos2.line && ===;
function getPositionFromTagId(editor, tagId) {
var marks = editor._codeMirror.getAllMarks(),
markFound = _.find(marks, function (mark) {
return (mark.tagID === tagId);
if (markFound) {
return markFound.find().from;
} else {
return null;
function _processBrowserSimpleDOM(browserRoot, editorRootTagID) {
var nodeMap = {},
function _processElement(elem) {
elem.tagID = elem.attributes["data-brackets-id"];
// remove data-brackets-id attribute for diff
delete elem.attributes["data-brackets-id"];
elem.children.forEach(function (child) {
// set parent
child.parent = elem;
if (child.isElement()) {
} else if (child.isText()) {
child.tagID = HTMLSimpleDOM.getTextNodeID(child);
nodeMap[child.tagID] = child;
nodeMap[elem.tagID] = elem;
// Choose the root element based on the root tag in the editor.
// The browser may insert html, head and body elements if missing.
if (elem.tagID === editorRootTagID) {
root = elem;
root = root || browserRoot;
root.nodeMap = nodeMap;
return root;
function _removeDocFromCache(evt, document) {
if (_cachedValues.hasOwnProperty(document.file.fullPath)) {
delete _cachedValues[document.file.fullPath];".htmlInstrumentation");
function _resetCache() {
_cachedValues = {};
// private methods
exports._markText = _markText;
exports._getMarkerAtDocumentPos = _getMarkerAtDocumentPos;
exports._getTagIDAtDocumentPos = _getTagIDAtDocumentPos;
exports.getPositionFromTagId = getPositionFromTagId;
exports._markTextFromDOM = _markTextFromDOM;
exports._updateDOM = _updateDOM;
exports._allowIncremental = allowIncremental;
exports._getBrowserDiff = _getBrowserDiff;
exports._resetCache = _resetCache;
// public API
exports.scanDocument = scanDocument;
exports.generateInstrumentedHTML = generateInstrumentedHTML;
exports.getUnappliedEditList = getUnappliedEditList;
function _updateDOM(previousDOM, editor, changeList) {
if (!allowIncremental) {
changeList = undefined;
var updater = new DOMUpdater(previousDOM, editor, changeList);
var result = updater.update();
if (!result) {
return { errors: updater.errors };
var edits = HTMLDOMDiff.domdiff(result.oldSubtree, result.newSubtree);
// We're done with the nodeMap that was added to the subtree by the updater.
if (result.newSubtree !== result.newDOM) {
delete result.newSubtree.nodeMap;
return {
dom: result.newDOM,
edits: edits,
_wasIncremental: updater.isIncremental // for unit tests only
Generate instrumented HTML for the specified editor's document, and mark the associated tag ranges in the editor. Each tag has a "data-brackets-id" attribute with a unique ID for its value. For example, "<div>" becomes something like "<div data-brackets-id='45'>". The attribute value is just a number that is guaranteed to be unique.
Also stores marks in the given editor that correspond to the tag ranges. These marks are used to track the DOM structure for in-browser highlighting and live HTML updating.
This only needs to be done once on load of a document. As the document is edited in memory, the instrumentation is kept up to date via the diffs and edits that are generated on change events. Call this again only if you want to do a full re-sync of the editor's DOM state.
function generateInstrumentedHTML(editor) {
var doc = editor.document,
dom = scanDocument(doc),
orig = doc.getText(),
gen = "",
lastIndex = 0;
if (!dom) {
return null;
// Ensure that the marks in the editor are up to date with respect to the given DOM.
_markTextFromDOM(editor, dom);
// Walk through the dom nodes and insert the 'data-brackets-id' attribute at the
// end of the open tag
function walk(node) {
if (node.tag) {
var attrText = " data-brackets-id='" + node.tagID + "'";
// Insert the attribute as the first attribute in the tag.
var insertIndex = node.start + node.tag.length + 1;
gen += orig.substr(lastIndex, insertIndex - lastIndex) + attrText;
lastIndex = insertIndex;
if (node.isElement()) {
gen += orig.substr(lastIndex);
return gen;
Calculates the DOM edits that are needed to update the browser from the state the editor was in the last time that scanDocument(), getInstrumentedHTML(), or getUnappliedEditList() was called (whichever is most recent). Caches this state so it can be used as the base state for the next getUnappliedEditList().
For simple text edits, this update is done quickly and incrementally. For structural edits (edits that change the DOM structure or add/remove attributes), the update requires a full reparse.
If the document currently contains invalid HTML, no edits will be generated until getUnappliedEditList() is called when the document is valid, at which point the edits will reflect all the changes needed to catch the browser up with all the edits made while the document was invalid.
function getUnappliedEditList(editor, changeList) {
var cachedValue = _cachedValues[editor.document.file.fullPath];
// We might not have a previous DOM if the document was empty before this edit.
if (!cachedValue || !cachedValue.dom || _cachedValues[editor.document.file.fullPath].invalid) {
// We were in an invalid state, so do a full rebuild.
changeList = null;
var result = _updateDOM(cachedValue && cachedValue.dom, editor, changeList);
if (!result.errors) {
_cachedValues[editor.document.file.fullPath] = {
timestamp: editor.document.diskTimestamp,
dom: result.dom,
dirty: false
return { edits: result.edits };
} else {
if (cachedValue) {
cachedValue.invalid = true;
return { errors: result.errors };
Parses the document, returning an HTMLSimpleDOM structure and caching it as the initial state of the document. Will return a cached copy of the DOM if the document hasn't changed since the last time scanDocument was called.
This is called by generateInstrumentedHTML(), but it can be useful to call it ahead of time so the DOM is cached and doesn't need to be rescanned when the instrumented HTML is requested by the browser.
function scanDocument(doc) {
if (!_cachedValues.hasOwnProperty(doc.file.fullPath)) {
doc.on("change.htmlInstrumentation", function () {
if (_cachedValues[doc.file.fullPath]) {
_cachedValues[doc.file.fullPath].dirty = true;
// Assign to cache, but don't set a value yet
_cachedValues[doc.file.fullPath] = null;
var cachedValue = _cachedValues[doc.file.fullPath];
if (!doc.isDirty && cachedValue && !cachedValue.dirty && cachedValue.timestamp === doc.diskTimestamp) {
return cachedValue.dom;
var text = doc.getText(),
dom =;
if (dom) {
// Cache results
_cachedValues[doc.file.fullPath] = {
timestamp: doc.diskTimestamp,
dom: dom,
dirty: false
return dom;
Subclass of HTMLSimpleDOM.Builder that builds an updated DOM after changes have been made, and maps nodes from the new DOM to the old DOM by tag ID. For non-structural edits, avoids reparsing the whole editor. Also updates marks in the editor based on the new DOM state.
function DOMUpdater(previousDOM, editor, changeList) {
var text, startOffset = 0, startOffsetPos;
this.isIncremental = false;
function isDangerousEdit(text) {
// We don't consider & dangerous since entities only affect text content, not
// overall DOM structure.
return (/[<>\/=\"\']/).test(text);
// If there's more than one change, be conservative and assume we have to do a full reparse.
if (changeList && changeList.length === 1) {
// If the inserted or removed text doesn't have any characters that could change the
// structure of the DOM (e.g. by adding or removing a tag boundary), then we can do
// an incremental reparse of just the parent tag containing the edit. This should just
// be the marked range that contains the beginning of the edit range, since that position
// isn't changed by the edit.
var change = changeList[0];
if (!isDangerousEdit(change.text) && !isDangerousEdit(change.removed)) {
// If the edit is right at the beginning or end of a tag, we want to be conservative
// and use the parent as the edit range.
var startMark = _getMarkerAtDocumentPos(editor, change.from, true);
if (startMark) {
var range = startMark.find();
if (range) {
text = editor._codeMirror.getRange(range.from,;
this.changedTagID = startMark.tagID;
startOffsetPos = range.from;
startOffset = editor._codeMirror.indexFromPos(startOffsetPos);
this.isIncremental = true;
if (!this.changedTagID) {
// We weren't able to incrementally update, so just rebuild and diff everything.
text = editor.document.getText();
}, text, startOffset, startOffsetPos);
this.editor = editor; = editor._codeMirror;
this.previousDOM = previousDOM;
DOMUpdater.prototype = Object.create(HTMLSimpleDOM.Builder.prototype);
DOMUpdater.prototype._buildNodeMap = function (root) {
var nodeMap = {};
function walk(node) {
if (node.tagID) {
nodeMap[node.tagID] = node;
if (node.isElement()) {
root.nodeMap = nodeMap;
DOMUpdater.prototype._handleDeletions = function (nodeMap, oldSubtreeMap, newSubtreeMap) {
var deletedIDs = [];
Object.keys(oldSubtreeMap).forEach(function (key) {
if (!newSubtreeMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
delete nodeMap[key];
if (deletedIDs.length) {
// FUTURE: would be better to cache the mark for each node. Also, could
// conceivably combine this with _updateMarkedRanges().
var marks =;
marks.forEach(function (mark) {
if (mark.hasOwnProperty("tagID") && deletedIDs.indexOf(mark.tagID) !== -1) {
Updates the CodeMirror marks in the editor to reflect the new bounds of nodes in the given nodeMap.
DOMUpdater.prototype._updateMarkedRanges = function (nodeMap, markCache) {
// FUTURE: this is somewhat inefficient (getting all the marks involves passing linearly through
// the document once), but it doesn't seem to be a hotspot right now.
var updateIDs = Object.keys(nodeMap),
cm =,
marks = cm.getAllMarks();
cm.operation(function () {
marks.forEach(function (mark) {
if (mark.hasOwnProperty("tagID") && nodeMap[mark.tagID]) {
var node = nodeMap[mark.tagID],
markInfo = markCache[mark.tagID];
// If the mark's bounds already match, avoid destroying and recreating the mark,
// since that incurs some overhead.
if (!(markInfo && _posEq(markInfo.range.from, node.startPos) && _posEq(, node.endPos))) {
mark = cm.markText(node.startPos, node.endPos);
mark.tagID = node.tagID;
updateIDs.splice(updateIDs.indexOf(String(node.tagID)), 1);
// Any remaining updateIDs are new.
updateIDs.forEach(function (id) {
var node = nodeMap[id], mark;
if (node.isElement()) {
mark = cm.markText(node.startPos, node.endPos);
mark.tagID = Number(id);
Overrides the getID
method to return the tag ID from the document. If a viable tag
ID cannot be found in the document marks, then a new ID is returned. This will also
assign a new ID if the tag changed between the previous and current versions of this
DOMUpdater.prototype.getID = function (newTag, markCache) {
// Get the mark at the start of the tagname (not before the beginning of the tag, because that's
// actually inside the parent).
var currentTagID = _getTagIDAtDocumentPos(this.editor, HTMLSimpleDOM._offsetPos(newTag.startPos, 1), markCache);
// If the new tag is in an unmarked range, or the marked range actually corresponds to an
// ancestor tag, then this must be a newly inserted tag, so give it a new tag ID.
if (currentTagID === -1 || _hasAncestorWithID(newTag, currentTagID)) {
currentTagID = this.getNewID();
} else {
// If the tag has changed between the previous DOM and the new one, we assign a new ID
// so that the old tag will be deleted and the new one inserted.
var oldNode = this.previousDOM.nodeMap[currentTagID];
if (!oldNode || oldNode.tag !== newTag.tag) {
currentTagID = this.getNewID();
return currentTagID;
Reparses the document (or a portion of it if we can do it incrementally). Note that in an incremental update, the old DOM is actually mutated (the new subtree is swapped in for the old subtree).
DOMUpdater.prototype.update = function () {
var markCache = {},
newSubtree =, markCache),
result = {
// default result if we didn't identify a changed portion
newDOM: newSubtree,
oldSubtree: this.previousDOM,
newSubtree: newSubtree
if (!newSubtree) {
return null;
if (this.changedTagID) {
// Find the old subtree that's going to get swapped out.
var oldSubtree = this.previousDOM.nodeMap[this.changedTagID],
parent = oldSubtree.parent;
// If we didn't have a parent, then the whole tree changed anyway, so
// we'll just return the default result.
if (parent) {
var childIndex = parent.children.indexOf(oldSubtree);
if (childIndex === -1) {
// This should never happen...
console.error("DOMUpdater.update(): couldn't locate old subtree in tree");
} else {
// Swap the new subtree in place of the old subtree.
oldSubtree.parent = null;
newSubtree.parent = parent;
parent.children[childIndex] = newSubtree;
// Overwrite any node mappings in the parent DOM with the
// mappings for the new subtree. We keep the nodeMap around
// on the new subtree so that the differ can use it later.
$.extend(this.previousDOM.nodeMap, newSubtree.nodeMap);
// Update marked ranges for all items in the new subtree.
this._updateMarkedRanges(newSubtree.nodeMap, markCache);
// Build a local nodeMap for the old subtree so the differ can
// use it.
// Clean up the info for any deleted nodes that are no longer in
// the new tree.
this._handleDeletions(this.previousDOM.nodeMap, oldSubtree.nodeMap, newSubtree.nodeMap);
// Update the signatures for all parents of the new subtree.
var curParent = parent;
while (curParent) {
curParent = curParent.parent;
result.newDOM = this.previousDOM;
result.oldSubtree = oldSubtree;
} else {
_markTextFromDOM(this.editor, result.newDOM);
return result;