Utilities functions for displaying update notifications
Get a data structure that has information for all builds of Brackets.
If force is true, the information is always fetched from _versionInfoURL. If force is false, we try to use cached information. If more than 24 hours have passed since the last fetch, or if cached data can't be found, the data is fetched again.
If new data is fetched and dontCache is false, the data is saved in preferences for quick fetching later. _versionInfoUrl is used for unit testing.
function _getUpdateInformation(force, dontCache, _versionInfoUrl) {
// Last time the versionInfoURL was fetched
var lastInfoURLFetchTime = PreferencesManager.getViewState("lastInfoURLFetchTime");
var result = new $.Deferred();
var fetchData = false;
var data;
// If force is true, always fetch
if (force) {
fetchData = true;
// If we don't have data saved in prefs, fetch
data = PreferencesManager.getViewState("updateInfo");
if (!data) {
fetchData = true;
// If more than 24 hours have passed since our last fetch, fetch again
if ((new Date()).getTime() > lastInfoURLFetchTime + ONE_DAY) {
fetchData = true;
if (fetchData) {
var lookupPromise = new $.Deferred(),
// If the current locale isn't "en" or "en-US", check whether we actually have a
// locale-specific update notification, and fall back to "en" if not.
// Note: we check for both "en" and "en-US" to watch for the general case or
// country-specific English locale. The former appears default on Mac, while
// the latter appears default on Windows.
var locale = brackets.getLocale().toLowerCase();
if (locale !== "en" && locale !== "en-us") {
localVersionInfoUrl = _versionInfoUrl || _getVersionInfoUrl();
url: localVersionInfoUrl,
cache: false,
type: "HEAD"
}).fail(function (jqXHR, status, error) {
// get rid of any country information from locale and try again
var tmpUrl = _getVersionInfoUrl(brackets.getLocale(), true);
if (tmpUrl !== localVersionInfoUrl) {
url: tmpUrl,
cache: false,
type: "HEAD"
}).fail(function (jqXHR, status, error) {
localVersionInfoUrl = _getVersionInfoUrl("en");
}).done(function (jqXHR, status, error) {
localVersionInfoUrl = tmpUrl;
}).always(function (jqXHR, status, error) {
} else {
localVersionInfoUrl = _getVersionInfoUrl("en");
}).done(function (jqXHR, status, error) {
} else {
localVersionInfoUrl = _versionInfoUrl || _getVersionInfoUrl("en");
lookupPromise.done(function () {
url: localVersionInfoUrl,
dataType: "json",
cache: false
}).done(function (updateInfo, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (!dontCache) {
lastInfoURLFetchTime = (new Date()).getTime();
PreferencesManager.setViewState("lastInfoURLFetchTime", lastInfoURLFetchTime);
PreferencesManager.setViewState("updateInfo", updateInfo);
}).fail(function (jqXHR, status, error) {
// When loading data for unit tests, the error handler is
// called but the responseText is valid. Try to use it here,
// but *don't* save the results in prefs.
if (!jqXHR.responseText) {
// Text is NULL or empty string, reject().
try {
data = JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText);
} catch (e) {
} else {
return result.promise();
Construct a new version update url with the given locale.
function _getVersionInfoUrl(locale, removeCountryPartOfLocale) {
locale = locale || brackets.getLocale();
if (removeCountryPartOfLocale) {
locale = locale.substring(0, 2);
// The following code is needed for supporting Auto Update in prerelease,
//and will be removed eventually for stable releases
if (locale) {
if(locale.length > 2) {
locale = locale.substring(0, 2);
switch(locale) {
case "de":
case "es":
case "fr":
case "ja":
case "en":
locale = "en";
return brackets.config.update_info_url.replace("<locale>", locale);
return brackets.config.update_info_url + '?locale=' + locale;
Calculate state of notification everytime registries are downloaded - no matter who triggered the download
function _onRegistryDownloaded() {
var availableUpdates = ExtensionManager.getAvailableUpdates();
PreferencesManager.setViewState("extensionUpdateInfo", availableUpdates);
PreferencesManager.setViewState("lastExtensionRegistryCheckTime", (new Date()).getTime());
$("#toolbar-extension-manager").toggleClass("updatesAvailable", availableUpdates.length > 0);
Show a dialog that shows the update
function _showUpdateNotificationDialog(updates, force) {
Dialogs.showModalDialogUsingTemplate(Mustache.render(UpdateDialogTemplate, Strings))
.done(function (id) {
if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_DOWNLOAD) {
} else {
// Populate the update data
var $dlg = $(".update-dialog.instance"),
$updateList = $dlg.find(".update-info"),
subTypeString = force ? "userAction" : "auto";
// Make the update notification icon clickable again
_addedClickHandler = false;
updates.Strings = Strings;
$updateList.html(Mustache.render(UpdateListTemplate, updates));
Return a new array of version information that is newer than "buildNumber". Returns null if there is no new version information.
function _stripOldVersionInfo(versionInfo, buildNumber) {
// Do a simple linear search. Since we are going in reverse-chronological order, we
// should get through the search quickly.
var lastIndex = 0;
var len = versionInfo.length;
while (lastIndex < len) {
if (versionInfo[lastIndex].buildNumber <= buildNumber) {
if (lastIndex > 0) {
return versionInfo.slice(0, lastIndex);
// No new version info
return null;
Every 24 hours downloads registry information to check for update, but only if the registry download wasn't triggered by another action (like opening extension manager) If there isn't 24 hours elapsed from the last download, use cached information from last download to determine state of the update notification.
function checkForExtensionsUpdate() {
var lastExtensionRegistryCheckTime = PreferencesManager.getViewState("lastExtensionRegistryCheckTime"),
timeOfNextCheck = lastExtensionRegistryCheckTime + ONE_DAY,
currentTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// update icon according to previously saved information
var availableUpdates = PreferencesManager.getViewState("extensionUpdateInfo");
availableUpdates = ExtensionManager.cleanAvailableUpdates(availableUpdates);
$("#toolbar-extension-manager").toggleClass("updatesAvailable", availableUpdates.length > 0);
if (availableUpdates.length === 0) {
// icon is gray, no updates available
if (currentTime > timeOfNextCheck) {
// downloadRegistry, will be resolved in _onRegistryDownloaded
ExtensionManager.downloadRegistry().done(function () {
// schedule another check in 24 hours + 2 minutes
setTimeout(checkForExtensionsUpdate, ONE_DAY + TWO_MINUTES);
} else {
// schedule the download of the registry in appropriate time
setTimeout(checkForExtensionsUpdate, (timeOfNextCheck - currentTime) + TWO_MINUTES);
Check for updates. If "force" is true, update notification dialogs are always displayed (if an update is available). If "force" is false, the update notification is only displayed for newly available updates.
If an update is available, show the "update available" notification icon in the title bar.
function checkForUpdate(force, _testValues) {
// This is the last version we notified the user about. If checkForUpdate()
// is called with "false", only show the update notification dialog if there
// is an update newer than this one. This value is saved in preferences.
var lastNotifiedBuildNumber = PreferencesManager.getViewState("lastNotifiedBuildNumber");
// The second param, if non-null, is an Object containing value overrides. Values
// in the object temporarily override the local values. This should *only* be used for testing.
// If any overrides are set, permanent changes are not made (including showing
// the update notification icon and saving prefs).
var oldValues;
var usingOverrides = false; // true if any of the values are overridden.
var result = new $.Deferred();
var versionInfoUrl;
if (_testValues) {
oldValues = {};
if (_testValues.hasOwnProperty("_buildNumber")) {
oldValues._buildNumber = _buildNumber;
_buildNumber = _testValues._buildNumber;
usingOverrides = true;
if (_testValues.hasOwnProperty("lastNotifiedBuildNumber")) {
oldValues.lastNotifiedBuildNumber = lastNotifiedBuildNumber;
lastNotifiedBuildNumber = _testValues.lastNotifiedBuildNumber;
usingOverrides = true;
if (_testValues.hasOwnProperty("_versionInfoURL")) {
versionInfoUrl = _testValues._versionInfoURL;
usingOverrides = true;
_getUpdateInformation(force || usingOverrides, usingOverrides, versionInfoUrl)
.done(function (versionInfo) {
// Get all available updates
var allUpdates = _stripOldVersionInfo(versionInfo, _buildNumber);
// When running directly from GitHub source (as opposed to
// an installed build), _buildNumber is 0. In this case, if the
// test is not forced, don't show the update notification icon or
// dialog.
if (_buildNumber === 0 && !force) {
if (allUpdates) {
// Always show the "update available" icon if any updates are available
var $updateNotification = $("#update-notification");
$updateNotification.css("display", "block");
$updateNotification.on("click", function () {
// Block the click until the Notification Dialog opens
if (!_addedClickHandler) {
_addedClickHandler = true;
// Only show the update dialog if force = true, or if the user hasn't been
// alerted of this update
if (force || allUpdates[0].buildNumber > lastNotifiedBuildNumber) {
_showUpdateNotificationDialog(allUpdates, force);
// Update prefs with the last notified build number
lastNotifiedBuildNumber = allUpdates[0].buildNumber;
// Don't save prefs is we have overridden values
if (!usingOverrides) {
PreferencesManager.setViewState("lastNotifiedBuildNumber", lastNotifiedBuildNumber);
} else if (force) {
// No updates are available. If force == true, let the user know.
if (oldValues) {
if (oldValues.hasOwnProperty("_buildNumber")) {
_buildNumber = oldValues._buildNumber;
if (oldValues.hasOwnProperty("lastNotifiedBuildNumber")) {
lastNotifiedBuildNumber = oldValues.lastNotifiedBuildNumber;
.fail(function () {
// Error fetching the update data. If this is a forced check, alert the user
if (force) {
return result.promise();
function enableUpdateNotificationIcon(enable) {
var $updateNotification = $("#update-notification");
_addedClickHandler = !enable;
$updateNotification.toggleClass("update-in-progress", !enable);
Handles the update process
function handleUpdateProcess(updates) {
var handler = _updateProcessHandler || _defaultUpdateProcessHandler;
Launches both check for Brackets update and check for installed extensions update
function launchAutomaticUpdate() {
// launch immediately and then every 24 hours + 2 minutes
window.setInterval(checkForUpdate, ONE_DAY + TWO_MINUTES);
Registers the update process handler function
function registerUpdateHandler(handler) {
_updateProcessHandler = handler;
Utility function to reset back to the default update handler
function resetToDefaultUpdateHandler() {
_updateProcessHandler = null;
// Events listeners
ExtensionManager.on("registryDownload", _onRegistryDownloaded);
// Define public API
exports.registerUpdateHandler = registerUpdateHandler;
exports.resetToDefaultUpdateHandler = resetToDefaultUpdateHandler;
exports.launchAutomaticUpdate = launchAutomaticUpdate;
exports.checkForUpdate = checkForUpdate;
exports.enableUpdateNotificationIcon = enableUpdateNotificationIcon;