Modules (188)



Resizer is a Module utility to inject resizing capabilities to any element inside Brackets.

On initialization, Resizer discovers all nodes tagged as "vert-resizable" and "horz-resizable" to add the resizer handler. Additionally, "top-resizer", "bottom-resizer", "left-resizer" and "right-resizer" classes control the position of the resizer on the element.

An element can be made resizable at any time using the makeResizable() API. Panel sizes are saved via preferences and restored when the DOM node becomes resizable again in a subsequent launch.

The resizable elements trigger a panelResizeStart, panelResizeUpdate and panelResizeEnd event that can be used to create performance optimizations (such as hiding/showing elements while resizing), custom layout logic, etc. See makeResizable() for details on the events.

A resizable element can be collapsed/expanded using the show, hide and toggle APIs or via user action. This triggers panelCollapsed/panelExpanded events - see makeResizable().



Public API


Hides a resizable element.

element DOMNode
Html element to hide if possible
    function hide(element) {
        var hideFunc = $(element).data("hide");
        if (hideFunc) {
Public API


Returns the visibility state of a resizable element.

element DOMNode
Html element to toggle
Returns: boolean
true if element is visible, false if it is not visible
    function isVisible(element) {
        return $(element).is(":visible");

    function _isPercentage(value) {
        return !$.isNumeric(value) && value.indexOf('%') > -1;

    function _percentageToPixels(value, total) {
        return parseFloat(value.replace('%', '')) * (total / 100);

    function _sideBarMaxSize() {
        var siblingsWidth = 0;
        $sideBar.siblings().not(".content").each(function (i, elem) {
            var $elem = $(elem);
            if ($elem.css("display") !== "none") {
                siblingsWidth += $elem.outerWidth();
        return $(".main-view").width() - siblingsWidth - 1;
Public API


Adds resizing and (optionally) expand/collapse capabilities to a given html element. The element's size & visibility are automatically saved & restored as a view-state preference.

Resizing can be configured in two directions:

  • Vertical ("vert"): Resizes the height of the element
  • Horizontal ("horz"): Resizes the width of the element

Resizer handlers can be positioned on the element at:

  • Top ("top") or bottom ("bottom") for vertical resizing
  • Left ("left") or right ("right") for horizontal resizing

A resizable element triggers the following events while resizing:

  • panelResizeStart: When the resize starts. Passed the new size.
  • panelResizeUpdate: When the resize gets updated. Passed the new size.
  • panelResizeEnd: When the resize ends. Passed the final size.
  • panelCollapsed: When the panel gets collapsed (or hidden). Passed the last size before collapse. May occur without any resize events.
  • panelExpanded: When the panel gets expanded (or shown). Passed the initial size. May occur without any resize events.
element non-nullable DOMNode
DOM element which should be made resizable. Must have an id attribute, for use as a preferences key.
direction non-nullable string
Direction of the resize action: one of the DIRECTION_* constants.
position non-nullable string
Which side of the element can be dragged: one of the POSITION_* constants (TOP/BOTTOM for vertical resizing or LEFT/RIGHT for horizontal).
minSize nullable number
Minimum size (width or height) of the element's outer dimensions, including border & padding. Defaults to DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE.
collapsible nullable boolean
Indicates the panel is collapsible on double click on the resizer. Defaults to false.
forceLeft nullable string
CSS selector indicating element whose 'left' should be locked to the the resizable element's size (useful for siblings laid out to the right of the element). Must lie in element's parent's subtree.
createdByWorkspaceManager nullable boolean
For internal use only
usePercentages nullable boolean
Maintain the size of the element as a percentage of its parent the default is to maintain the size of the element in pixels
_attachToParent nullable boolean
Attaches the resizer element to parent of the element rather than to element itself. Attach the resizer to the parent *ONLY* if element has the same offset as parent otherwise the resizer will be incorrectly positioned. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
    function makeResizable(element, direction, position, minSize, collapsible, forceLeft, createdByWorkspaceManager, usePercentages, _attachToParent) {
        var $resizer            = $('<div class="' + direction + '-resizer"></div>'),
            $element            = $(element),
            $parent             = $element.parent(),
            $resizableElement   = $($element.find(".resizable-content:first")[0]),
            $body               = $(window.document.body),
            elementID           = $element.attr("id"),
            elementPrefs        = PreferencesManager.getViewState(elementID) || {},
            animationRequest    = null,
            directionProperty   = direction === DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL ? "clientX" : "clientY",
            directionIncrement  = (position === POSITION_TOP || position === POSITION_LEFT) ? 1 : -1,
            parentSizeFunction  = direction === DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL ? $parent.innerWidth : $parent.innerHeight,

            elementSizeFunction = function (newSize) {
                if (!newSize) {
                    // calling the function as a getter
                    if (direction === DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) {
                        return this.width();
                    } else {
                        return this.height();
                } else if (!usePercentages) {
                    if (direction === DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) {
                        return this.width(newSize);
                    } else {
                        return this.height(newSize);
                } else {
                    // calling the function as a setter
                    var parentSize = parentSizeFunction.apply($parent),

                    if (direction === DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) {
                        prop = "width";
                    } else {
                        prop = "height";
                    percentage = newSize / parentSize;
                    this.css(prop, (percentage * 100) + "%");

                    return this; // chainable

            resizerCSSPosition  = direction === DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL ? "left" : "top",
            contentSizeFunction = direction === DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL ? $resizableElement.width : $resizableElement.height;

        if (PreferencesManager.get(PREFS_PURE_CODE) &&
                ($element.hasClass("bottom-panel") || $element.hasClass("sidebar"))) {
            elementPrefs.visible = false;

        if (!elementID) {
            console.error("Resizable panels must have a DOM id to use as a preferences key:", element);
        // Detect legacy cases where panels in the editor area are created without using WorkspaceManager APIs
        if ($parent[0] && $".content") && !createdByWorkspaceManager) {
            console.error("Resizable panels within the editor area should be created via WorkspaceManager.createBottomPanel(). \nElement:", element);

        if (minSize === undefined) {
            minSize = DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE;

        collapsible = collapsible || false;

        if (_attachToParent) {
        } else {
        // Important so min/max sizes behave predictably
        $element.css("box-sizing", "border-box");

        function adjustSibling(size) {
            if (forceLeft !== undefined) {
                $(forceLeft, $parent).css("left", size);

        function resizeElement(elementSize, contentSize) {
            elementSizeFunction.apply($element, [elementSize]);

            if ($resizableElement.length) {
                contentSizeFunction.apply($resizableElement, [contentSize]);

        // If the resizer is positioned right or bottom of the panel, we need to listen to
        // reposition it if the element size changes externally
        function repositionResizer(elementSize) {
            var resizerPosition = elementSize || 1;
            if (position === POSITION_RIGHT || position === POSITION_BOTTOM) {
                $resizer.css(resizerCSSPosition, resizerPosition);

        $"removeSizable", function () {



        $"resyncSizer", function () {

        $"show", function () {
            var elementOffset   = $element.offset(),
                elementSize     = elementSizeFunction.apply($element) || elementPrefs.size,
                contentSize     = contentSizeFunction.apply($resizableElement) || elementPrefs.contentSize;

            // Resize the element before showing it again. If the panel was collapsed by dragging
            // the resizer, the size of the element should be 0, so we restore size in preferences
            resizeElement(elementSize, contentSize);

            elementPrefs.visible = true;

            if (collapsible) {
                if (_attachToParent) {
                } else {
                if (position === POSITION_TOP) {
                    $resizer.css(resizerCSSPosition, "");
                } else if (position === POSITION_RIGHT) {
                    $resizer.css(resizerCSSPosition, elementOffset[resizerCSSPosition] + elementSize);


            $element.trigger("panelExpanded", [elementSize]);
            PreferencesManager.setViewState(elementID, elementPrefs, null, isResizing);

        $"hide", function () {
            var elementOffset   = $element.offset(),
                elementSize     = elementSizeFunction.apply($element),
                resizerSize     = elementSizeFunction.apply($resizer);

            elementPrefs.visible = false;
            if (collapsible) {
                if (position === POSITION_RIGHT) {
                    $resizer.css(resizerCSSPosition, "");
                } else if (position === POSITION_TOP) {
                    $resizer.css(resizerCSSPosition, elementOffset[resizerCSSPosition] + elementSize - resizerSize);


            $element.trigger("panelCollapsed", [elementSize]);
            PreferencesManager.setViewState(elementID, elementPrefs, null, isResizing);

        $resizer.on("mousedown.resizer", function (e) {
            var $resizeShield   = $("<div class='resizing-container " + direction + "-resizing' />"),
                startPosition   = e[directionProperty],
                startSize       = $":visible") ? elementSizeFunction.apply($element) : 0,
                newSize         = startSize,
                previousSize    = startSize,
                baseSize        = 0,
                resizeStarted   = false;

            isResizing = true;

            if ($resizableElement.length) {
                $element.children().not(".horz-resizer, .vert-resizer, .resizable-content").each(function (index, child) {
                    if (direction === DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) {
                        baseSize += $(child).outerWidth();
                    } else {
                        baseSize += $(child).outerHeight();

            function doRedraw() {
                // only run this if the mouse is down so we don't constantly loop even
                // after we're done resizing.
                if (!isResizing) {

                // Check for real size changes to avoid unnecessary resizing and events
                if (newSize !== previousSize) {
                    previousSize = newSize;

                    if ($":visible")) {
                        if (newSize < 10) {
                            elementSizeFunction.apply($element, [0]);
                        } else {
                            // Trigger resizeStarted just before the first successful resize update
                            if (!resizeStarted) {
                                resizeStarted = true;
                                $element.trigger("panelResizeStart", newSize);

                            // Resize the main element to the new size. If there is a content element,
                            // its size is the new size minus the size of the non-resizable elements
                            resizeElement(newSize, (newSize - baseSize));

                            $element.trigger("panelResizeUpdate", [newSize]);
                    } else if (newSize > 10) {
                        elementSizeFunction.apply($element, [newSize]);

                        // Trigger resizeStarted after expanding the element if it was previously collapsed
                        if (!resizeStarted) {
                            resizeStarted = true;
                            $element.trigger("panelResizeStart", newSize);

                animationRequest = window.requestAnimationFrame(doRedraw);

            function onMouseMove(e) {
                // calculate newSize adding to startSize the difference
                // between starting and current position, capped at minSize
                newSize = Math.max(startSize + directionIncrement * (startPosition - e[directionProperty]), minSize);

                // respect max size if one provided (e.g. by WorkspaceManager)
                var maxSize = $"maxsize");
                if (maxSize !== undefined) {
                    // if provided as percentage size convert it to a pixel size
                    if (_isPercentage(maxSize)) {
                        maxSize = _percentageToPixels(maxSize, _sideBarMaxSize());
                    newSize = Math.min(newSize, maxSize);


                if (animationRequest === null) {
                    animationRequest = window.requestAnimationFrame(doRedraw);

            $(window.document).on("mousemove", onMouseMove);

            // If the element is marked as collapsible, check for double click
            // to toggle the element visibility
            if (collapsible) {
                $resizeShield.on("mousedown", function (e) {
                    $(window.document).off("mousemove", onMouseMove);
                    animationRequest = null;

            function endResize(e) {
                if (isResizing) {

                    var elementSize	= elementSizeFunction.apply($element);
                    if ($":visible")) {
                        elementPrefs.size = elementSize;
                        if ($resizableElement.length) {
                            elementPrefs.contentSize = contentSizeFunction.apply($resizableElement);
                        PreferencesManager.setViewState(elementID, elementPrefs);

                    isResizing = false;

                    if (resizeStarted) {
                        $element.trigger("panelResizeEnd", [elementSize]);

                    // We wait 300ms to remove the resizer container to capture a mousedown
                    // on the container that would account for double click
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                        $(window.document).off("mousemove", onMouseMove);
                        animationRequest = null;
                    }, 300);

            $(window.document).one("mouseup", endResize);


        // Panel preferences initialization
        if (elementPrefs) {

            if (elementPrefs.size !== undefined) {
                elementSizeFunction.apply($element, [elementPrefs.size]);

            if (elementPrefs.contentSize !== undefined) {
                contentSizeFunction.apply($resizableElement, [elementPrefs.contentSize]);

            if (elementPrefs.visible !== undefined && !elementPrefs.visible) {
            } else {

    function updateResizeLimits() {
        var sideBarMaxSize = _sideBarMaxSize(),
            maxSize = $"maxsize"),
            width = false;

        if (maxSize !== undefined && _isPercentage(maxSize)) {
            sideBarMaxSize = _percentageToPixels(maxSize, sideBarMaxSize);

        if ($sideBar.width() > sideBarMaxSize) {
            // Adjust the sideBar's width in case it exceeds the window's width when resizing the window.
            $(".content").css("left", $sideBar.width());
            $sideBar.trigger("panelResizeStart", $sideBar.width());
            $sideBar.trigger("panelResizeUpdate", [$sideBar.width()]);
            $sideBar.trigger("panelResizeEnd", [$sideBar.width()]);

    function onWindowResize(e) {
        if ($sideBar.css("display") === "none") {

        if (!isWindowResizing) {
            isWindowResizing = true;

            // We don't need any fancy debouncing here - we just need to react before the user can start
            // resizing any panels at the new window size. So just listen for first mousemove once the
            // window resize releases mouse capture.
            $(window.document).one("mousemove", function () {
                isWindowResizing = false;

    window.addEventListener("resize", onWindowResize, true);

    // Scan DOM for horz-resizable and vert-resizable classes and make them resizable
    AppInit.htmlReady(function () {
        var minSize = DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE;

        $mainView = $(".main-view");
        $sideBar = $("#sidebar");

        $(".vert-resizable").each(function (index, element) {

            if ($(element).data().minsize !== undefined) {
                minSize = $(element).data().minsize;

            if ($(element).hasClass("top-resizer")) {
                makeResizable(element, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, POSITION_TOP, minSize, $(element).hasClass("collapsible"));

            //if ($(element).hasClass("bottom-resizer")) {
            //    makeResizable(element, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, POSITION_BOTTOM, DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE);

        $(".horz-resizable").each(function (index, element) {

            if ($(element).data().minsize !== undefined) {
                minSize = $(element).data().minsize;

            //if ($(element).hasClass("left-resizer")) {
            //    makeResizable(element, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, POSITION_LEFT, DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE);

            if ($(element).hasClass("right-resizer")) {
                makeResizable(element, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, POSITION_RIGHT, minSize, $(element).hasClass("collapsible"), $(element).data().forceleft);

        // The main toolbar is only collapsible.
        if ($("#main-toolbar").hasClass("collapsible") && PreferencesManager.get(PREFS_PURE_CODE)) {


    exports.makeResizable   = makeResizable;
    exports.removeSizable   = removeSizable;
    exports.resyncSizer     = resyncSizer;
    exports.toggle          = toggle;            = show;
    exports.hide            = hide;
    exports.isVisible       = isVisible;

    //Resizer Constants
    exports.POSITION_TOP         = POSITION_TOP;
    exports.POSITION_LEFT        = POSITION_LEFT;
Public API


Removes the resizability of an element if it's resizable

element DOMNode
Html element in which to remove sizing
    function removeSizable(element) {
        var removeSizableFunc = $(element).data("removeSizable");
        if (removeSizableFunc) {
Public API


Updates the sizing div by resyncing to the sizing edge of the element Call this method after manually changing the size of the element

element DOMNode
Html element whose sizer should be resynchronized
    function resyncSizer(element) {
        var resyncSizerFunc = $(element).data("resyncSizer");
        if (resyncSizerFunc) {
Public API


Shows a resizable element.

element DOMNode
Html element to show if possible
    function show(element) {
        var showFunc = $(element).data("show");
        if (showFunc) {
Public API


Changes the visibility state of a resizable element. The toggle functionality is added when an element is made resizable.

element DOMNode
Html element to toggle
    function toggle(element) {
        if ($(element).is(":visible")) {
        } else {